How To Pay Zakat Online

As one of Islam's five pillars, zakat (zakat, zakah), often known as almsgiving, is essential to the Islamic faith. 

As with the other five pillars of Islam—prayer (salah), fasting (sawm), pilgrimage (Hajj), and faith in Allah and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)—the payment of Zakat is required of all Muslims (shahadah). 

Each adult Muslim with assets over the Nisab is obligated by Islamic law to contribute 2.5% of their assets in the form of Zakat.

Muslims who are eligible pay Zakat once a year, as soon as it has been one lunar (Islamic) year since they met or exceeded the Nisab (a certain amount of wealth). 

The Zakat that each Muslim gives is then given to those who meet the requirements to get it.

At Islamic Relief, your Zakat is given out with the utmost care to make sure that the most vulnerable people get the help they need. This includes children and people who have been hurt by war, disease, or natural disasters.

How Can Zakat Be Paid Online?

You can give zakat can in a number of ways. For example, a person can figure out how much Zakat he is owed and then provide it to any other Muslim or relative (who is not their blood relative) who is eligible to get Zakat.

You can also pay Zakat through different institutions or mosques, where Aileen, who is authentic to collect Zakat, will give it to poor or needy people in the area or people who are part of the institution or mosque.

Online Zakat payment is a newer trend. In this case, Shariah-compliant online platforms will look at some people who can get Zakat and choose them based on their importance.

The users can then virtually give their Zakat, Sadaqah, or other donations to any of these campaigns. This helps Muslims in need all over the world.

Global Sadaqah is one type of online Islamic charity platform. There are other types as well. Through Global Sadaqah, people can pay their Zakat online.

Who can receive Zakat?

A husband can't give his Zakat to his wife because he already has to take care of her, just like he does with his kids.

A wife, on the other hand, can give Zakat to her husband as long as he meets the requirements, but she can't get anything in return (i.e., the husband uses the funds to pay for a gift for his wife).

Those who are eligible for Zakat can be put into one of eight groups:

      Fakir is a word for someone with little or no money.

      Miskin means "those who are hungry."

      Amil: Anyone who is in charge of collecting and giving out Zakat

      Riqab is the Arabic word for anyone who is held against their will in captivity or as a slave.

      Garmin: Those with too much debt to handle

      Fisabilillah means "those who fight for Allah" (SWT)

      Ibnus Sabil – struggling and/or stranded travelers

      Muallaf are people who join the Islamic community or become Muslims.

According to the rules in the holy Qur'an, not every Muslim has to pay Zakat. To be able to pay Zakat, you must be over the age of puberty, a Muslim, of sound mind, free, have a positive cash/goods flow, and have more money than the Nisab value.

Muslim Aid will make sure that your Zakat goes to those who need it the most. You can see what a difference your Zakat has made and is making for those eligible to receive it.

In What Ways is an Online Zakat Service Useful?

The traditional Zakat method is the best way. It can help the poor and needy in society get out of their financial problems.

But this also raises a big question: what if a whole community or society in a region is in a financial crisis and no one can help meet the other people's needs?

Yes, now is a good time to pay Zakat online because of how hard things are.

Virtual Zakat institutions help poorer societies or communities in trouble that can't get help from anywhere else.

These organizations reach out to communities that need help after a disaster, crisis, or other events, as well as to individuals who need money to pay for things like major surgeries, school costs, or to help the homeless build comfortable homes.

Through online Zakat payment systems, Muslims can now help their Muslim brothers all over the world, regardless of where they live.

What Should I Put Into My Zakat Calculation?

The amount of Zakat you owe is based on how much money and property you have. Zakat is only due on properties that don't help you make a living.

Consider the following things for Zakat:

      Cash at home, in a bank, or in a savings account

      Money set aside for a special event or reason (like a hajj, a down payment on a house, a wedding, etc.).

      How much money your gold and silver are worth

      You own any stocks and shares

      The total amount of money made from renting out a property that an owner owns (such as a second home)

      The amount of money you owe and expect to get back, such as money you lent to a friend or family member.

What not to think about when figuring out Zakat:

      Any bills you have to pay in the same month that you pay your Zakat

      You owe money for things like your mortgage or rent, credit card debts, and personal loans.

      Things like clothes and appliances for the home

      Bills, salaries, rents, and rates are all business costs.

      Loans and overdrafts for a business


Paying Zakat online is a great way. Muslims all over the world have the same amount of money. Even though the payments are clear, the payer's identity should be a secret.

Therefore, which is in line with what Islam teaches. Online Zakat payments are even more appealing. Because you can make an instant payment from the comfort of your own home on your own device.


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